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A few updates concerning the Canisius College Wiki:

  • After March 1, 2021, the gray left-hand sidebar will be minimized by default. Although still available, it will not automatically appear to users on desktop or laptop computers. While the sidebar appears to provide a navigation menu, it does not always do this in the most efficient way. More importantly, the sidebar does not appear on mobile devices, and it should not be relied upon to assist users in navigating wiki pages and spaces. Use the tools outlined here to provide better navigation within your own pages:
  • If you have not done so recently, revisit your wiki pages and update the materials. This includes files attached to pages. Note that if your pages are available to anyone, so is any out-of-date information posted there or in attached files, even if they are not linked on visible pages.
  • As part of an effort to assist offices and departments across the college, the Center for Online Learning and Innovation (COLI) has updated and augmented our guide to using the Canisius College Wiki. The guide provides information on how to improve your wiki pages, as well as some time-saving tools and tips. Access the guide here:
  • If you don’t have a wiki page yet, you can request that COLI create one. Then you can add content, create subsequent pages and manage access.

Email for any questions concerning the wiki.

With the overwhelming volume of Emails crowding into faculty, staff and student inboxes, information distributed solely through Email will likely get buried and users will later struggle to find it. Trying to distribute important information by Email can be problematic. Consider including it in the wiki, where users can continually refer back to it. Save time by emailing links to wiki pages that users can bookmark in browsers.

Submitted by: Tyler Kron-Piatek, academic technologist, COLI