“Know Justice, Know Peace” is a four-week retreat hosted by The Jesuit Post (TJP) that seeks to assist Christians in their growth as antiracist followers of Jesus. It will consist of 12 short talks published in the form of videos and podcasts on The Jesuit Post’s media platforms.
To Dismantle White Supremacy in Our Lives
As a Jesuit retreat, participants will follow the basic structure of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and be provided varied tools along the way from the Jesuit spiritual tradition.
Week one focuses on sin and its consequences. In this case the sin examined is racism and the consequences is the oppression of Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC).
Week two focuses on what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how antiracism is a necessary component of such discipleship.
Week three contemplates the passion and death of Jesus and we can see this in the unnecessary suffering and violence towards BIPOC.
Finally, week four focuses on the resurrection of Jesus and thus examines where one can find hope in the struggle towards becoming an anti-racist society.
As an “antiracist” retreat, the Jesuit Post considers racism as a matter of white supremacy. It invites participants to focus on their relationship to white supremacy: how they are influenced by it in different ways or contribute to it, and how they can begin eradicating its causes. Because white supremacy is mainly perpetrated by people who are white or pass for white, this retreat is directed mostly towards them. However, people of color will also find this retreat beneficial.
The retreat will begin on August 3 and continue for four weeks. The talks will be published three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 4:00 p.m. ET. You can find those talks here.
St. Ignatius counsels all at the beginning of a retreat to start with a sense of generosity and openness. As participants embark on this retreat, you are encouraged to center yourself in a love that lives in truth. Pray with those words of St Ignatius: “Love is shown more in deeds than in words.”
Submitted by: Sarah Signorino, director, Office of Mission & Identity