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Making Meaning in a Pandemic

“Reflections on COVID-19,” a free, interdisciplinary summer course, is resonating with the Canisius community and Buffalo at-large. To date, more than 250 individuals have registered for the collaborative learning opportunity aimed at helping people better understand the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic and how we can respond with knowledge, empathy, faith and resilience. The interdisciplinary approach provides rich perspectives on critical topics that include everything from the science of disease to plagues and responses in the ancient world, and much more.

Each class (i.e. module) is fully digital (not live) and taught using a combination of PowerPoint and video presentations, recorded interviews with subject-matter experts, films, video chats and other online discussions and readings. There is no official start or end date for the course. Rather participation is self-paced and people are encouraged to sign up for as many modules as they would like.

For more information or to view a list of the various modules offered in this course, click here.

“Reflections on COVID-19” is a non-credit bearing course.

Submitted by: College Communications

Face Covering CDC Guidance

As we return to campus, please review the following guidance from the CDC regarding how to safely wear and take off a cloth face covering. Faculty and staff are being provided with two face coverings with the Canisius logo. As you return to campus, please check with your supervisor or human resources to receive your masks.

Submitted by: Linda M. Walleshauser, associate vice president, Human Resources and Compliance

Novena for Racial Justice

In the Catholic tradition, a novena is an ancient form of devotional prayer over a period of nine days for a specific intention. The Ignatian Solidarity Network invites you to join their Novena for Racial Justice via text message to unite with the Ignatian family in prayer and action.

Click here to RSVP.

Submitted by: Sarah Signorino, director, Office of Mission & Identity

Additional Security Features in Zoom

Beginning July 19, Zoom will require that all scheduled meetings have a passcode or waiting room.

In Zoom, a passcode is simply an additional security code that is added to the join link. As before, when you share a link with a participant, they click the link and join the meeting. However, if a participant attempts to join the meeting by entering the meeting number into their Zoom app, they will also be prompted to enter the passcode, which can be found (along with the meeting link) in the invitation text.

Another option is a waiting room. For any meetings scheduled or active in your account on July 19, if they lack either a passcode or waiting room, Zoom will add a waiting room by default. Here’s an explanation for how the waiting room feature works in Zoom:

The passcode and meeting room options are selectable when scheduling any meeting in Zoom. You can select either one or both.

In COLI, if we had to choose a favorite for teaching courses remotely, it would be the waiting room. Students can be told beforehand to expect it and after a quick scan of all participants, the professor can simply approve all. If students subsequently attempt to join late, the professor can be sure of which students may have missed something earlier to their arrival.

Zoom has a more comprehensive discussion of this available here.

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, COLI