Jesuits West is offering a four-week “Wrestling with Whiteness” course this July. Fall sessions with different time options will be announced at a later date.
This series will run for four weeks, with online sessions Wednesdays from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. PT, July 1, July 8, July 15 and July 22.
The training will center on creating a shared understanding of white supremacy, grounded in theology and Catholic identity. Participants will learn to articulate their own story of whiteness, opportunity and privilege and analyze how their work is impacted by implicit bias and white supremacy. Participants will get equipped with tactics of resistance to train, organize and move other white people in the work of dismantling white supremacy.
Training outline:
Session 1 – Whiteness and White Supremacy: What is it and how does it show up? Take a deeper dive into the history of whiteness and understanding our role in it, and begin to explore the concept of an “opportunity story.”
Session 2 – Story of Self: Moving from guilt to positive and accountable white identity. Articulating our stakes as white folks in racial justice work. Guidance and training on articulating how your personal story brings you into the work of racial justice.
Session 3 – Implicit Bias and White Supremacy Culture: What are implicit bias and white supremacy culture and how do they show up in our work and activism? Exploring how this gets in our way of truly building power and what is the work we need to do in order to counter it.
Session 4 – Calling In and Relational 1-1s on Race: How do we invite more white folks into this work, challenge our white peers in their relationship to race and how do we build meaningful relationships with people of color.
Participants must be:
– Committed to doing the work of racial justice and dismantling white supremacy.
– Active with a Jesuit parish, school, university or other ministry. That includes attending as a student, working at, volunteering with etc.
– Committed to attending all 4 cohort sessions by video and completing assigned preparation and homework.
– 16 years old or older.
Participants can register here for the summer session or register to receive information about the fall sessions.
Submitted by: Sarah Signorino, director, Office of Mission & Identity