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A number of colleagues have reached out to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to share the actions they are taking to address structural racism, inequity and social injustice.  There are also members of the college community who would like to start and/or continue conversations with their departments and offices in an effort to respond to the challenge framed in President John Hurley’s message, “to reflect on the injustice in front of our eyes, on our campus, in our hometown of Buffalo, in New York State, in the United States and in the world …  How can we recommit ourselves to the promotion of justice in the lives of people of color?  How can we address this in our teaching and learning, in our scholarship and in our service activities?”

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion has compiled a list of resources that might be helpful as individuals, offices and departments engage in this work of reflection and action:

Websites and Podcasts:


  • “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander
  • “The Fire Next Time” by James Baldwin
  • “White Fragility” by Dr. Robin DiAngelo
  • “How To Be An Antiracist” by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
  • “We Want to Do More Than Survive” by Bettina Love
  • “Sister Outsider” by Audre Lorde
  • “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Olou
  • “Stamped:  Racism, Antiracism, and You” by Jason Reynolds and Dr. Ibram X. Kendi


  • 13th by Ava DuVernay on Netflix
  • The Black Power Mixtape (1967-1975) on Netflix
  • Race: the Power of An Illusion available through the Canisius Library
  • I Am Not Your Negro, directed by Raoul Peck on Amazon Prime
  • The Danger of a Single Story, TedTalk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on YouTube
  • The Urgency of Intersectionality, TedTalk by Kimberle Crenshaw on YouTube

Social Media:

  1. Antiracism Center: Twitter
  2. Audre Lorde Project: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
  3. Black Women’s Blueprint: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
  4. Color Of Change: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
  5. Colorlines: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
  6. Equal Justice Initiative (EJI): Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

Special thanks to Melissa Mosko, PhD, associate professor of philosophy, who contributed to this list and who is developing a more extensive list of resources for the college.

Submitted by: Fatima Rodriguez Johnson, MS ’98, associate dean for Diversity & Inclusion