by browkaa | May 13, 2020 | Faculty
As a quick reminder, to make an edit to your department’s existing web page, please use the form on the portal under “Creative and Web Services” and located on the left-hand side, under the heading “Web Request Form,” which can also be found by clicking here:
Recently, a new form was added to submit for creating new web pages. The process for creating new web pages is different than editing an existing one, so the questions on the new form will help the web services team understand the thought process behind the submission and create a collaborative process from the onset.
The form can be found right under the Web Request Form.
Any questions can be directed to
Submitted by: Josh Kruk, director, Digital Marketing
by browkaa | May 13, 2020 | Faculty

The final project for FAH-481A Art of the Selfie: Self Portraits – A Critical Inquiry allows students to research many aspects of self-portraiture. While some write about the impact of selfies on self-esteem and narcissism, others present insightful studies about self portraits by Sofonisba Anguissola, Caravaggio, Vincent van Gogh, and Flora Borsi.
For his paper, Kieran Sommer ’20 wrote about the self portraits created by Vivian Maier. Dubbed the “Nanny Photographer,” Maier’s works were only recently unearthed from storage sites, developed and printed, and exhibited. As a part of his experience, Sommer and his family decided to mirror some of Maier’s work as they recorded their experiences in 2020.
He wrote, “Looking especially at Vivian’s self-photographs in the windows of buildings, it reminds me of what society is going through today. Through all of the social distancing and self-quarantine, we are behind walls and restricted to our own living spaces. My family and I had the opportunity to take pictures of ourselves inside our house with the photographer being outside. It gave my mother the great idea when I had told her about my paper topic to include this. I definitely do see the similarity and when I think about Vivian taking the same pictures 70 years ago, she was so far ahead of the times she was living in. (Above) is a picture of my family and I inside our house playing cards in black and white in 2020 (Figure 9) and next to it is an image that is similar in structure that Vivian took of two women inside a waiting room in 1954 (Figure 10).”
Submitted by: Yvonne Widenor, visiting assistant professor and program director, Art History Program, Fine Arts Department
by browkaa | May 13, 2020 | Faculty

COLI’s Online Faculty Meetups will continue into the summer!
Each Thursday at 2:00 p.m., faculty can meet via the web to discuss past teaching experiences, present teaching problems and triumphs, and future possibilities in teaching courses face-to-face, hybrid or online.
This Thursday, May 14th, we reflect on the recently-completed spring 2020 semester: how we managed to complete the semester remotely, our initial observations and student feedback we may have received along the way.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to, and we’ll send you the link!
Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, director, COLI
by browkaa | May 13, 2020 | Faculty
ITS will be applying Banner Software upgrades, along with some application server maintenance, on Saturday, May 16, 2020 from 6:00 – 10:00 a.m. During this maintenance window, Banner, Self Service Banner (SSB), Griff Audits and custom Canisius Web Applications (iAdvise, HR Appraisals, athlete travel contracts, budget management, etc.) will be unavailable.
Submitted by: Michele Folsom, director, Administrative Computing ITS