The Institute for the Advanced Jesuit Studies will offer the virtual retreat: Manresa: Spiritual Exercises for our Times, starting tonight, Monday, May 11 from 8:00-8:45 p.m. and continuing each evening at the same time, through Thursday, May 14.
It was in a cave in Manresa, Spain, where Saint Ignatius composed the Spiritual Exercises. In this time of seclusion, he came to know God in a profoundly intimate way. In our time of seclusion, we too, can find God in a deeper, more profound way.
The retreat will consist of:
- Presentation (20 minutes)
- Faith Sharing in Zoom breakout rooms (20 minutes)
- Closing Prayer (5 minutes)
To register for this virtual retreat, click here.
Submitted by: Sarah Signorino, director, Mission & Identity