Latest Virtual Volunteer and Funding Opportunities
The New Buffalo Institute continues to update its list of ways to support our larger community while recognizing the need for social distancing. Please see the revised list below:
Feed and Fuel the Frontlines – Not only can you feed our frontline workers and support local restaurants through but now you can fuel the frontline and support local coffee shops who deliver coffee to health care workers through
Virtual Tutoring – Buffalo Center for Arts and Technology is still in need of tutors for high school students in all subjects. The commitment lasts through mid-June. Contact Yanava Hawkins <> for more information.
Staffing Testing Centers – Remote Area Medical is helping to staff drive-thru COVID-19 testing centers in Western New York. Information and volunteer sign up is at They are staffing locally until May 10. Most of their need is for non-clinical people, no specific skills needed.
Distributing Food – The Buffalo Peacemakers are conducting the following activities: Distributing food in the Bailey-Green Neighborhood and providing necessities to poor seniors; partnering with the NFTA to deliver 1,400 meals a week, they bag, box, and deliver them on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; with help from the Chapel at Crosspoint they are delivering food boxes and clothes; giving away food to any community member in need every Wednesday on Genesee Street at Kilhoffer Street. To volunteer, contact
Note: Information has been compiled by the New Buffalo Institute. Please refer to the website for previous postings.
These opportunities are not run or endorsed by Canisius College but simply provide a helpful resource for individuals considering in person or virtual volunteering. (We respect your individual decision-making and assessment of personal risk in engaging with in-person volunteer opportunities to support organizations that remain open and serving local residents.)
Contact Mary Rockwell, PhD, director of the New Buffalo Institute, at if you have other virtual volunteering opportunities to add to our list.
Submitted by: Mary Rockwell, PhD, director, New Buffalo Institute