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The campus community is invited to watch The Dome for special “Trivia Wednesdays,” which will be published throughout the school year in every Wednesday edition. The first person to respond to with the correct answer will win Canisius “swag.”

Additionally, once a month on Wednesdays, there will be a special giveaway in which the winner will receive some of the newly-designed Canisius sesquicentennial gear.

Winners will be announced the following Wednesday of each week along with the correct trivia answer.

This week’s giveaway question is:

What percentage of Canisius graduates work or study in their chosen fields?

a. 90%

b. 85%

c. 92%

d. 80%

Congratulations to Yvonne Widenor, visiting assistant professor and program director for the Art History Program and Fine Arts Department. Widenor was last week’s winner of Trivia Wednesday. She will receive some Canisius swag once the college returns to normal operations.

Last week’s Trivia Wednesday question was:

Before it became the Montante Cultural Center, the building which sits at the corner of Main Street and Eastwood place was which of the following:

a. The Villa

b. St. Michael’s Church

c. Sears Roebuck

d. St. Vincent de Paul Church

The correct answer was: (d) St. Vincent de Paul Church

Submitted by: College Communications