by browkaa | Mar 27, 2020 | Faculty
In this time of crisis, many of our students, faculty and staff are asking how they can be of help. Some are developing online resources for homeschooling parents or providing advice to small business owners or non-profit organizations.
At the same time, schools and non-profit organizations are seeking our help. The New Buffalo Institute is working to assist the Buffalo community through these difficult days by providing a list of volunteering opportunities with contact information for our community members as we become aware of them. More detailed information is included in the list below.
If you would like to add to our collection of resources or if you are aware of community needs, please contact Mary Rockwell, director of the New Buffalo Institute, at
Submitted by: Mary Rockwell, PhD, director, The New Buffalo Institute
by browkaa | Mar 27, 2020 | Faculty

Working remotely is a new reality for all of us. Many are now using VPN (Virtual Private Network) on a college-owned computer from home to do their college-related work. If you are using VPN, please look over the wiki page for some useful information to be aware of while using the VPN.
If you need help with VPN or any other computer-related issue, be assured that the ITS Help Desk is open for business. We are manning the phones from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. To get in touch with us, you can still call 888-8340. If we don’t answer the phone, please leave a message and we will get right back to you. You can also Email the Help Desk at or visit
We can use TeamViewer to remotely assist you on your PC or Mac computer. Please contact us with any IT-related issue you may be having. Working remotely is a new and exciting challenge and we are here to help.
Submitted by: Scott Clark, director, User Services/ITS
by browkaa | Mar 27, 2020 | Faculty

The East Coast Provinces of the Society of Jesus are hosting an online Examen, live, with Megan Fox-Kelly and Rev. William Campbell, SJ, today, Friday, March 27 at 4:00 p.m. Fox-Kelly is the associate chaplain and director of retreats for the College of the Holy Cross. Father Campbell is director of the Eastern Point Retreat House. Please click here to join the Examen Live.
Submitted by: Rev. Patrick J. Lynch, SJ, Jesuit associate, Mission & Identity
by browkaa | Mar 27, 2020 | Faculty
This Lent, make spiritual reading and conversation part of your preparation for Easter with the Jesuit Lenten Book Club.
Open to anyone interested, the book club will feature a private Facebook group for ongoing discussion throughout Lent and a live, interactive online gathering on Thursday, April 9 (Holy Thursday).
Our book is Graham Greene’s 1940 novel The Power and the Glory, the story of an unnamed priest who secretly serves Catholics in Mexico after a state governor has declared the faith illegal. The priest is a broken, gluttonous, deeply sinful man searching for grace.
Facilitating the conversation will be Nick Ripatrazone, the author of seven books including Longing for an Absent God, a consideration of how faith and doubt influences Catholic storytelling.
To join the group, please complete the form found by clicking here.
Once you sign up, you’ll receive an Email with:
- A link to the private Facebook group where Nick Ripatrazone will facilitate conversation about the book; and
- An invitation to the online gathering on Holy Thursday where Nick and AMDG Jesuit Podcast host Mike Jordan Laskey will welcome you to an interactive session on the book and our shared Lenten journeys.
Submitted by: Rev. Patrick J. Lynch, SJ, Jesuit associate, Mission & Identity
by browkaa | Mar 27, 2020 | Faculty
Congratulations go out to Lauren Reno ’19, MBA ’20, who was recently selected by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to participate in its prestigious Postgraduate Technical Assistant (PTA) program, beginning in summer 2020.
Reno will earn her master’s degree in business administration (MBA) from Canisius in May 2020. She earned an undergraduate degree in accounting from Canisius in 2019. Reno is the second consecutive Canisius student, in as many years, to be selected for the Postgraduate Technical Assistant position.
The PTA position is designed for individuals who are planning a career with an emphasis in accounting. Each program is a one-year term, during which the individual becomes highly involved with the accounting standards-setting process and acquires an in-depth understanding of the roles played by preparers, auditors and users of financial information.
Click here to read more about the program.
Submitted by: College Communications