Marya Grande, PhD, professor of teacher education, shared the screenshot above of students in her course, titled Nature and Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities. The class is using a tool called FlipGrid to host video discussion forums. It’s simple, says Grande, “students post a video and can post video replies back to their classmates’ videos.” Grande adds that “many elementary and high school teachers are using FlipGrid so I thought it would be great to model how it could be used at a time like this, to help us continue a sense of community.”
Melissa Mosko, PhD, associate professor of philosophy, is helping to keep her students’ spirits up during this time of transition. Earlier this week, she invited those in her Gender & Philosophy course to share any pictures, memes or video messages that they found “hilarious or heartwarming,” on their class discussion board. The students came through. Pictured above are just a few images of what students shared.
We hope you’ll find them hilarious or heartwarming, as well, and continue to share, with The Dome, the fun and innovative ways in which you, your students and colleagues are staying together, while we’re apart.
Submitted by: College Communications