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Campus Candid

Faculty, staff and students gather in the ICMS Reading Room in OM 418 for Classics Tea@2. This is a no-pressure gathering of people inside and outside the Canisius community to unwind from the stresses of the week. Different varieties of teas are served and snacks are eaten. Join us at our next Classics Tea@2 this Friday, March 13 at 2:00 p.m. for hot drinks, cool people and warm conversation.

Click here to add this event to your calendar.

Submitted by: Kristina Laun, social media & website administrator, ICMS


Canisius in the News

WGRZ-TV Channel 2 featured Canisius Public Safety Director Kim Beaty during its Sunday, March 8 newscast in recognition of International Women’s Day. Click here to watch the story.

Submitted by: College Communications

Candidate for VP for Academic Affairs

Faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in an open forum with Sunil Ahuja, PhD, candidate for the vice president for academic affairs, today, Monday, March 9 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in Science Hall rooms 1013 A. Please note this location has changed since the initial Email announcement. Click here to add this event to your calendar.

Information about Ahuja can be found on the myCanisius portal under the “VP for Academic Affairs Search” tab located on the blue navigation bar across the top of the page. After the open forum, an evaluation form will also be posted here to allow the campus community to submit feedback.

The vice president for academic affairs will play a vital role in the life of the college. Please consider attending this event.

Submitted by: Mary Braun, Human Resources Generalist

Panera Fundraiser Tonight!

Support students participating in Campus Ministry’s international service-immersion experience to El Salvador and the U.S.-Mexico border by joining us at the Panera on Elmwood today from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Submitted by: Kaitlyn Buehlmann, associate campus minister, Campus Ministry

Men’s Soccer Club

The men’s soccer club is hosting open house practice sessions starting today, Monday March 9 from 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. in the Patrick Lee Gym.  The open sessions are free and give potential players an opportunity to sample a practice, and meet the players and coaching staff.

If you can’t make tonight’s open house, plan on joining us Wednesday, March 11 from 8:30 – 10:30 p.m. in the Demske Sports Complex.

Submitted by: Giovanni Cambareri, coach, Men’s Club Soccer