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Pierogi Fundraiser

Support students participating in Campus Ministry’s international service-immersion experience to Poland by purchasing homemade pierogis! Orders cost $5 for a half-dozen or $10 for a dozen.  Email Alex Bogart at to place an order.  Order deadline is March 9 and pierogis will be delivered on March 27.

Submitted by: Kaitlyn Buehlmann, associate campus minister, Campus Ministry

Empowering Women for Financial Freedom

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Just about 50 years ago, a woman’s financial identity was tied explicitly to someone else. Today, women make up about half of the American workforce, yet women are still less likely than men to put together a financial plan.

Join BN360 and hear from the dynamic Stella Fey about:

  • How small changes now can add up to big results later
  • How to have a better understanding of your current financial situation and future needs
  • Tools for making informed financial decisions moving forward

This will be held on Wednesday, March 11 from 5:30- 7:30 p.m. at Alliance Advisory Group located at 600 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14202.

To register: click here.

Ticket Info: Free for BN360 members, and $25 for non-members.

Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, assistant, Human Resources

Academic Preparedness Workshops

Academic Affairs is offering workshops in academic preparedness, to help faculty transform their courses in the event that the campus becomes unavailable for classes.  Learn how to use features in D2L, Google Apps and other web-based productivity apps to teach your class via the internet in case your classroom is no longer open.

Some workshops are on campus, while others take place online. Please note the location on the signup sheet:

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, COLI

The Go Move Challenge Results are In!

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The results of the 8th annual Go Move Challenge are in! Thank you to all who participated in the challenge for the month of February. At Canisius, although we did not win, we managed to increase our total exercise minutes by 24,455 and participants by 11 since last year. Collectively, we moved a total of 36,388 minutes and our average number of minutes per participant was 983 minutes.

Congratulations to the following winners:

  • Santa Clara University for earning the most minutes, 592,288 minutes of intentional movement
  • Le Moyne College for earning the highest average number of minutes, 1302, per participant.
    • East Coast – Fordham University
    • Mid-West – Creighton University
    • West Coast – Santa Clara University
    • South – Xavier University

For many AJCU institutions, the month of February has become synonymous with movement, and this year was no exception. Faculty and staff from 26 Jesuit institutions committed to tracking every minute of their physical activity for the past 29 days, and the collective numbers are impressive:

Participating AJCU institutions 27
Total Participants 4111
Total Minutes of Movement: 3,713,149
Avg. Monthly Minutes Per Person: 903
Avg. Daily Minutes Per Person: 31

For the full list of college minute results, please click here.

Beyond the competition and with the help of social media, the Go Move Challenge fosters camaraderie and new connections among AJCU colleagues while engaging in heart-healthy, physical exercise. More than 333 participants joined the Go Move Challenge Group on Facebook to share inspiring pictures, videos, and words of encouragement with their colleagues across the nation.

Stay Connected

Although the challenge is over, all participants are encouraged to share your stories and connect on social media. Who’s in for 2021?

Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, assistant, Human Resources

Important Update on Yoga and Pilates Classes

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With sadness, due to unforeseen circumstances, we are going to be cancelling all Yoga classes for the spring semester.

Next week will be our last Pilates Class of the semester, so don’t miss it! It will be on Wednesday, March 11 from 5:00-6:00 p.m., taught by Instructor Larry Tassini, laboratory manager, Biology, in the Regis Room. Sponsored by the Human Resources Department for faculty and staff, this class is great for all levels of expertise.

To ensure we supply enough mats and equipment, please RSVP to Bethany Voorhees at Ext. 2240 or via Email at We hope to see you there!

Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, assistant, Human Resources