Thank you to all of those who participated in the meetings with Danielle Ianni, PhD, candidate for the vice president for enrollment management, on Friday, February 28. If you had an opportunity to meet with her, attend her open forum or watch the video of her presentation (available on the MyCanisius portal or by clicking here) please complete the evaluation form, also on the portal, and share your feedback on her interview.
Ianni was the second of two candidates who interviewed for the position of vice president for enrollment management at Canisius. Earlier last week, Kevin Hearn, EdD, hosted a similar forum for faculty and staff. The video from his presentation can also be found on the MyCanisius portal.
The vice president for enrollment management is a critical position for the college. Please consider adding your voice to the process.
*Those wishing to watch the candidate videos will need to log into their Google Drive/Google Accounts using their Canisius Email address.
Submitted by: Erica C. Sammarco, associate vice president, President’s Office