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Sandy E. White ’77 (left) interviews Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown during Wednesday’s Soup with Substance event.

The campus community filled Grupp Fireside Lounge on Wednesday, February 5 when city of Buffalo Mayor Byron W. Brown visited Canisius to participate in the college’s Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. “Soup with Substance” series.  Award-winning journalist and Canisius alumna Sandy E. White ’77 interviewed Mayor Brown about Dr. King’s legacy and how his influence shapes the mayor’s life and work.  The mayor then answered questions from the audience. Prior to the start of the program, Sydnie Perkins ’16 (pictured, right) performed “Lift Every Voice,” the National Black Anthem.

On Tuesday evening, February 4, the Institute for Classical and Medieval Studies hosted Campbell Price, PhD, of Manchester (UK) Museum.  Price is the exhibition curator for Golden Mummies of Egypt, opening this Saturday, February 8, at the Buffalo Museum of Science. Campbell spoke about the history surrounding these mummies from Egypt’s Greco-Roman Era, what they tell us about this era and its people, and their reception in and influence on late 18th century British culture. The talk was very well-received, resulting in standing-room only.

To see the exhibition, visit the museum’s website for ticket information at

Submitted by: Kristina Laun, social media & web administrator, ICMS