The Institute for Autism Research (IAR) is seeking participants for a new study that will evaluate the differences in behavioral, psychological, emotional and social characteristics between children with and without high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD).
Specifically, the IAR is looking to recruit male participants, between the ages of six (6) and 13-years old and with no significant developmental, psychological or learning concerns. Participants will complete approximately 120 minutes of activities, which will assess their social and cognitive skills, face and emotion recognition, and personality characteristics. Parents will complete rating forms about their child’s social skills, behavior, and personality characteristics. This will take approximately 90 minutes.
Each family that agrees to participate in the study will receive a $20 gift card from Target.
For further information contact Jonathan D. Rodgers, PhD, assistant professor, Psychology, Institute for Autism Research, at or call 716-888-2815.
Submitted by: Jonathan D. Rodgers, PhD, assistant professor, Psychology, Institute for Autism Research