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Brown Bag Lunch

Faculty members: Get rid of your Thanksgiving leftovers and share your favorite teaching tips with your colleagues on Monday, December 2 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. in the President’s Boardroom.  Bring a leftover dish to share or just bring your leftovers to finish up. We will eat and enjoy a casual conversation about our favorite teaching pro-tips as we head into the final week of the semester and start thinking about the spring term.

If you’re interested in attending or have ideas for other faculty development events, please contact Jenn Lodi-Smith, PhD, interim assistant vice president for academic affairs, at

Submitted by: Emily McGorry, executive associate, Academic Affairs

Death Row Survivor, Anthony Ray Hinton, to Speak

Canisius College welcomes Anthony Ray Hinton to campus on Tuesday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center.  Anthony Ray Hinton is a survivor of Alabama’s death row and a New York Times best-selling author.  The event, sponsored by the William H. Fitzpatrick Institute of Public Affairs and Leadership, is free and open to the public.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Click here to add this event to your calendar.

Hinton’s story is a decades-long journey to exoneration and freedom. In 1985, he was convicted of the unsolved murders of two fast-food restaurant managers based on the testimony of ballistics experts for the state who claimed that the crime bullets came from a dusty revolver found in his mother’s closet. Without the benefit of a competent expert to challenge the state’s theory (Hinton’s lawyer hired a ballistics expert who was blind in one eye), an all-white jury convicted him and he was sentenced to death.

Click here to read more.

Submitted by: College Communications

Reflections for Advent

The Christian season of Advent that prepares for Christmas begins this coming Sunday, December 1.  To help the Canisius College community prepare for the coming of the Lord at Christmas, the Office of Mission & Identity invites you to spend one hour, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m., on Wednesday, December 4 and again on Wednesday, December 11, sharing lunch, walking through a contemplative meditation, and reflecting together in Loyola Hall’s Great Room.

On December 4, the contemplation will center on “The Annunciation: Do Not Be Afraid.”  On December 11, the contemplation will focus on Joseph, “Putting Aside Our Fears.”  Lunch will be provided.

If you wish to attend either or both of these events, please RSVP by the preceding Monday for each meeting to Sarah Signorino at or Ext. 2424.

Those who wish to reflect more deeply each week on the meaning of the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs), promulgated by the Jesuit Superior General, Rev. Arturo Sosa, SJ, with the approval of Pope Francis earlier this year, may find the document, “Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs) & Advent Prayer,” published by the Jesuit headquarters in Rome helpful for prayer during Advent.  The document itself may be found here.

A daily Email and prayer and reflection resource for the Advent season is the “Sacred Advent Retreat” from Loyola Press.  The resource is available for free, but you need to register by clicking here.

Submitted by: Rev. Patrick Lynch, SJ, professor emeritus, Religious Studies & Theology

Cantio Sacra Presents “Sounds of the Season”

Cantio Sacra, a chamber choir at Canisius directed by Melissa Thorburn, will present a holiday concert at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4 in Christ the King Chapel.  Selections will include works by Bach, Rutter, Rowley, and Thatcher, as well as a Christmas duet and traditional carols.  All are invited to join in this musical celebration!

Submitted by: Melissa Thorburn, adjunct professor, Fine Arts/Music

Fall Merchandise Sale Set for KAC

The Athletic Department’s annual fall merchandise sale is scheduled for December 4 and 5 in the Koessler Athletic Center. The sale will run from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. each day. This a great opportunity for some Canisius-themed Christmas shopping at severely discounted prices. Cash and credit cards will be accepted.

For more information, call Nick Pagano at 888-2885.

Submitted by: John Maddock, Athletics