by browkaa | Nov 13, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
The college will close at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27. All but essential operating personnel are included in this early closure. The college will also be closed on Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 and will reopen on Monday, December 2.
We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!
Submitted by: Linda M. Walleshauser, associate vice president, Human Resources and Compliance
by browkaa | Nov 13, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
The annual Canisius Fund coffee walk concluded last week. Colleagues across campus were treated to coffee, cider and donuts, and encouraged to consider supporting Canisius Fund 150, the college’s sesquicentennial fundraising campaign.
Below is a photo gallery of pictures taken along the way!

Michael Migliore, graduate assistant, Wehle School of Business and Mary Ellen Carver, executive assistant to the dean, Wehle School of Business

Caleb Handzlik ’32 and Nancy Wallace, PhD, interim dean, School of Education & Human Services

Kim Walkow, administrative specialist, Wehle School of Business; Ginny Dadaian, director, Stewardship & Events; Matt Gorczyca, assistant director, Canisius Fund

Stephen Chanderbhan, PhD, associate professor, Philosophy

Bill Maher, director, Athletics; Danielle Szymkowiak, graduate assistant, Athletics; Laurie Hennessy, administrative operations coordinator, Athletics

Sheila Pettigrew, senior assistant director, Career Development; Dominique Gagnier, graduate assistant, Career Development; Eileen Abbatoy, senior associate director, Career Development
This initiative continues to be part of the annual Faculty & Staff Giving Campaign, which is an opportunity for the campus community to come together and support students in an additional way.
If you have not yet made your commitment as part of the 2019-20 Faculty & Staff Giving Campaign, please consider joining your colleagues by making a gift today. You can make your commitment online here or by calling the Canisius Fund Office at (716) 888-2712.
Submitted by: Matt Gorczyca, assistant director, Canisius Fund
by browkaa | Nov 13, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

Celebrate the courage, faith, witness and legacy of the Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador with a Mass on Friday, November 15 at 12:05 p.m. in Loyola Hall Chapel.
Pizza will be served following Mass.
Submitted by: Rev. Patrick Lynch, SJ, professor emeritus, Religious Studies & Theology
by browkaa | Nov 13, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
Canisius College will host a teaching retreat titled “There is Room: Intentionally Incorporating Race into Course Content” on Wednesday, January 8 from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in Loyola Hall.
This day of focus will feature a panel of faculty and students as well as information on institutional resources that can help build race into courses. Time and quiet, collaborative space will be available throughout the day so that participants can work on ideas. A continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon reception will be provided.
RSVP by Friday, December 13 by clicking here or contact Jennifer Lodi-Smith, interim assistant vice president for academic affairs and associate professor of psychology, at
Submitted by: Jennifer Lodi-Smith, interim assistant vice president, Academic Affairs; associate professor, Psychology
by browkaa | Nov 13, 2019 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

Nominate a co-worker for a job well done by completing the Employee of Distinction nomination form. The Employee of Distinction program provides an excellent opportunity to show appreciation and support for co-workers and to reward them for all that they do. Click here to complete the nomination form. The application will request an explanation as to why a candidate is worthy of the award. A list of factors to consider when submitting a nomination include: the nominee’s history of accomplishments, level of determination, motivation and interpersonal skills. The information provided in the application will be used to make a fair and objective selection.
Each month, upon supervisor approval, the Employee Engagement Team reviews all nominations. Please have all November submissions completed no later than Tuesday, November 26. Submissions after that date will be considered for the month of December. Once a decision is made for November, the Employee of Distinction will be featured in The Dome.
Contact the Human Resources Department at Ext. 2240 with any questions.
Submitted by: Bethany Voorhees, assistant, Human Resources