Sarah E. Signorino (right), director of mission & identity, poses with Rev. Arturo Sosa, SJ, superior general of the Society of Jesus (center) and Sr. Erin McDonald, University Minister for Service and Social Justice at University of Detroit Mercy, during a breakout session at the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat in Rome.
Mission & Identity Director Sarah E. Signorino had the fortunate opportunity to meet Rev. Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (above) and Pope Francis (below) while in Rome, last week, for the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat (SJES), which is commemorating 50 years of promoting social justice and reconciliation.
Sarah E. Signorino, director of mission & identity, shakes hands with Pope Francis who met with the Social Justice and Ecology Congress last week.
Signorino was one of 21 delegates from the U.S.-Canadian Province invited to participate in the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat. The conference gathered Jesuits and lay collaborators, alike, in Rome to recall past achievements, milestones and lessons learned, and to reflect on and discern the challenges faced today in order to fulfill human rights and the fundamental freedoms of people around the world.
Canisius Alert, the college’s emergency notification system, will be tested on Friday, November 22 at 3:00 p.m. The purpose of the test is to activate the Canisius Alert system and ensure the college can reach community members. In the event of an emergency, alerts are sent by voice, text or Email message. Before the test, please be sure to review your contact information, which can be accessed through myCanisius: Go to “All Applications and Services” and under “Campus Services” click on “Campus Alert/Update Emergency Contacts.”
If you have any questions, contact Chief Kim Beaty, director, Public Safety, by calling Ext. 2330 or by email at
Submitted by: Kathleen Brucato, associate dean of students & Title IX Coordinator
Academic Affairs will hold a divisional meeting today, Monday, November 11 from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. in the Student Center Regis Room.
This meeting will include the campus climate workshop “Talk About, Think About & Act on Implicit Bias.” Explicit bias refers to the attitudes and beliefs that one may have about a person or group on a conscious level. A female student’s point of view is ignored, while her male peer is applauded for sharing the same or similar insight. A black colleague is viewed as threatening for expressing frustration with work, while a white colleague is viewed as overwhelmed.
Unconsciously, our attitudes, perceptions and stereotypes impact the way we communicate, interact and make decisions. This interactive workshop will increase awareness of implicit bias, assist participants in identifying examples and discuss strategies.
This workshop is open to all staff, faculty and administrators.
Academic Affairs will host a reception following the workshop to encourage continued conversations. Beer, wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served.
Submitted by: Sara R. Morris, PhD, interim vice president, Academic Affairs; Fatima Rodriquez Johnson, associate dean, Diversity & Inclusion
Join the Laudato Si‘ reading group this Wednesday, November 13 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. in the Loyola Hall great room. The group will read Chapter 1 and (either) Chapter 2 or 5 from Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.
Wine and cheese will be provided. If interested, please respond to Rev. Patrick Lynch, SJ, professor emeritus of religious studies & theology, at lynchp@canisius.eduor Ext. 2831 by Tuesday, November 12 at 5:00 p.m.
Click here to view a list of discussion questions.
Submitted by: Marshelle Woodward, PhD, assistant professor, English; Rev. Patrick Lynch, SJ, professor emeritus, Religious Studies & Theology
Mary Beth Werdel, PhD, director of pastoral care and counseling at Fordham University, visits Canisius on Tuesday, November 19 for a talk titled “Finding God in Stressful Times.” Werdel’s lecture will take place from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. in Loyola Hall and examines what science tells us about the connection between stress and spirituality.
Werdel currently teaches graduate level courses in pastoral care and counseling at Fordham. Her research focuses on the intersection of spirituality and well-being during times of loss, stress and trauma. She has made numerous presentations in the area of stress related growth at research conferences, continuing education seminars and public academic events. She is also widely published. Werdel’s most recent book, As Faith Matures: Beyond the Sunday God, was published by Ligouri in 2012.
Most recently she worked as a bi-lingual Spanish speaking family therapist. In this role she assisted families who had recently immigrated from Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras.
Submitted by: Rev. Patrick J. Lynch, SJ, professor emeritus, Religious Studies & Theology