Physics/Pre-engineering Seminar
The campus is invited to the weekly Physics/Pre-engineering seminar entitled “Careers in Physics Education, with Examples” by Dan MacIsaac, PhD, at 2:10 p.m. on Friday, September 13, 2019 in Science Hall room 1028.
MacIsaac is an associate professor of physics and interim chair of the Department of Earth Sciences and Science Education at SUNY Buffalo State College.
He will give a brief overview of his experiences preparing physics teachers, physics faculty and conducting physics education research at SUNY Buffalo State. He will briefly present examples of professional careers that combine physics and human learning, and where to find career opportunities in this field. MacIsaac will briefly present some of his recent work that brings nontraditional and traditional physics to both traditional and unusual learners (including refugee and blind children), and if time permits, illustrate this with a simple small group optics activity.
Submitted by: Michael Wood, PhD, chair, Physics/Pre-engineering