The Golden Griffin men’s soccer team opens its 2019 season at home this Sunday, September 1 at 1:00 p.m. against Bucknell University at the Demske Sports Complex. The game will mark the first time in four years that the Griffs have opened the season on the Demske turf.
Members of the Class of 2023 pose for their first class photo in this cool aerial shot taken on Demske Field following the President’s Welcome and Blessing last Thursday.
Business First and WGRZ-TV Channel 2 reported on Canisius’ 15 percent surge in 2019 freshman fall enrollment. In the stories, President John Hurley credits the college’s vigorous marketing campaign emphasizing academic quality and student outcomes.
Front Row: Orlando Vargas (guide in Costa Rica). Second Row (L-R): Kalene Miller ’19, Caeley Robinson ’20, Allie Perrin ’21, Gilli Skidmore ’20 and Jackie Lamica ’20. Third Row (L-R): Grettel Fonseca (host at Las Nubes Field Station); Sarah Bell ’21; Katie Doyle ’20; Amanda Gagnon ’20 (graduate student); Joshua Russell, PhD, assistant professor of animal behavior, ecology and conservation; Jamie Feinstein ’19 (graduate student) and Alisa Marks ’21.
Eight undergraduates from the Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (ABEC) program and two graduate students in the Anthrozoology program recently returned from a two-week field course in Costa Rica. The course, taught by Assistant Professor of ABEC Joshua Russell, PhD, highlighted human dimensions of wildlife conservation. After two days in the capital of San Jose, hearing from guest speakers and visiting bio-cultural museums, students traveled to a remote eco-campus in the cloud forest to engage in research, cross-cultural outreach and sustainable development work. The final part of the trip took the group to the Pacific coast to visit national parks and an Indigenous community to learn about Costa Rica’s wildlife conservation laws and land treaty policies. Along the way, the group saw dozens of species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. The course runs every other year in August, when students return to Canisius in the fall to develop podcasts for their final project. For more information on the next trip, contact Dr. Russell at
Submitted by: Joshua Russell, PhD, assistant professor, ABEC
Canisius College’s Institute for the Study of Human-Animal Relations (ISHAR) has two new directors: Malini Suchak, PhD, and Joshua Russell, PhD, assistant professors of animal behavior, ecology and conservation (ABEC). Under this new leadership, ISHAR hopes to establish more connections with the wider campus community in the form of partnerships and support for a range of activities, including student research (undergraduate and graduate), guest speakers, campus events, student travel, and more. If students, faculty or staff wish to request funding for activities that are related to the study and understanding of humanity’s relationships with other animals, we invite you to fill out our Google forms applications. You can find links to the forms, along with more information about ISHAR, on our webpage here.
Submitted by: Joshua Russell, PhD, assistant professor, ABEC