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Canisius ABEC Department Well-Represented at National Conference



Front row (l-r): Malini Suchak, PhD (ABEC faculty, BIO ’07 alum), Shakira Jinez (ABEC ’20), Abbey Hines (ABEC ’18, MS in Education ’19, currently works at the Carnegie Museum), Maddie Blackwell (ABEC ’20), Lindsay Robbins (ABEC ‘12, currently a PhD student at Purdue University), Tiffani Smith (ABEC ’19, currently works at Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital). Second row: Matt LeFauve (ABEC ’14, currently a PhD student at George Washington University), Nicole Dickan (ABEC ’20), Abby Robinson (ABEC ’19), Amy Bucklaew (ABEC ’20), Caeley Robinson (ABEC ’20), Third row: Brittany Coppinger (ABEC ’14, currently a PhD student at the University of Tennessee Knoxville), Adam Bator (ABEC ’20), Carter Keegan (EVST ’20), Lindsey Pierson, PhD (ABEC ‘12, assistant professor, Christian Brothers University, Memphis TN), Elizabeth George (ABEC ‘15, currently a PhD student at Indiana University), Mary Woodruff (ABEC ’18, currently a PhD Student at Indiana University), Jay Cooney (ABEC ’20) Back row: Sydney Chertoff (ABEC ’18, currently a master’s student at University of Lethbridge), Megan Miller (ABEC ’20), Sue Margulis, PhD (ABEC faculty), Mackenzie Nish (ABEC ’20)


The ABEC program was well-represented at the 2019 Conference of the Animal Behavior Society, held at the University of Illinois at Chicago July 23-28. In total, an impressive 22 Canisius students, alumni and faculty attended the conference.

Submitted by: Sue Margulis, PhD, chair and professor, ABEC and Biology / Malini Suchak, PhD, assistant professor, ABEC

D2L Summer Maintenance: August 17 – 19

D2L will undergo technical upgrades from Saturday, August 17 – Monday, August 19 that may impact fall 2019 course spaces.  During this maintenance period, there may be service disruptions where you are unable to reach your D2L course spaces. We ask that during this time you do not attempt to add or change course content.

If you plan to build new or substantially updated content that is different from course materials stored in a previous semester before August 17, please download and save backups of the new or amended course content. D2L makes this quick and easy. See the tutorial video on exporting course packages below.

Backup is an essential practice for any faculty member. If you do not practice a backup plan, now is a great time to start.

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, Center for Online Learning & Innovation