On Monday, April 29 Michael McGlin, adjunct professor of classics, will present “A Divinity’s Diversified Portfolio: Finances at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delos (314-167 BC)” in the Grupp Fireside Lounge at 5:00 p.m. McGlin will look at the inscribed sanctuary records documenting the annual financial audits of the Sanctuary of Apollo on the Aegean island of Delos. These inscriptions provide details of the types of loans offered from the Temple.
This final lecture for the 2018-19 Institute for Classical and Medieval Studies (ICMS) Speaker Series will also talk about what role finances and loans played in establishing a relationship between the Sanctuary and the population on Delos. This talk is sponsored by the ICMS, the Classics Department, the History Department and the Religious Studies & Theology Department. It is free and open to the public.
For more information on the ICMS and its events, click here. Check the website and Facebook pages for the upcoming 2019-20 event schedule.
Join the ALANA Student Center on Tuesday, April 30 from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. in Frisch Hall Room 008 as it celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander food. Soba noodle salad and moo shu lettuce wraps will be available as well as door prizes.
Submitted by: Madonna McKernon, student affairs administrative specialist, ALANA Student Center
Canisius College will welcome Colombian
novelist, poet, essayist and translator, Jaime Manrique, to campus on
Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 p.m. in Old Main 314. The event is free and open to
the public.
Manrique will discuss his latest novel,
entitled Like This Afternoon Forever, a
parable influenced by Colombian drug cartel motives, which takes readers
through their battle for control and its lasting impacts.
Manrique is the author of several novels
including Our Lives are the Rivers,
Cervantes Street and My Night with
Federico Garcia Lorca. He has received accolades such as Colombia’s
National Poetry Award, the 2007 International Latino Book Award, as well as a
Guggenheim Fellowship.
more information, contact Richard Reitsma, PhD, chair
and associate professor of modern languages, at reitsmar@canisius.edu.
Relax from the studying and end-of-the-year chaos at a Makerspace event on Wednesday, May 1 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the Andrew L. Bouwhuis Library. The event is free and open to the campus community.
Submitted by: M. Fernanda Astiz, professor, Teacher Education
In this brief video, Mark Gallimore, director of the Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI), reviews some quick tips for securely wrapping up the spring 2019 semester and to prepare for summer and fall 2019 courses in D2L: