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On Monday, April 29 Michael McGlin, adjunct professor of classics, will present “A Divinity’s Diversified Portfolio: Finances at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delos (314-167 BC)” in the Grupp Fireside Lounge at 5:00 p.m. McGlin will look at the inscribed sanctuary records documenting the annual financial audits of the Sanctuary of Apollo on the Aegean island of Delos. These inscriptions provide details of the types of loans offered from the Temple.

This final lecture for the 2018-19 Institute for Classical and Medieval Studies (ICMS) Speaker Series will also talk about what role finances and loans played in establishing a relationship between the Sanctuary and the population on Delos. This talk is sponsored by the ICMS, the Classics Department, the History Department and the Religious Studies & Theology Department. It is free and open to the public.

For more information on the ICMS and its events, click here. Check the website and Facebook pages for the upcoming 2019-20 event schedule.

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Submitted by: Kristina Laun, staff, Institute for Classical and Medieval Studies