One of the jobs of the Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI) is to support faculty teaching online and hybrid courses. COLI has recently created and updated resources for faculty teaching (or considering teaching) online:
- Canisius Teach Online has the complete list of COLI documentation, training and opportunities for online pedagogy. This includes a quick list to help professors new to online teaching get started.
- The Online Faculty Development Course has recently been rebuilt to incorporate new pedagogy, methods and technology for teaching online.
- The COLI Guide to Teaching Online is a self-paced training resource that can help faculty prepare or improve their online and hybrid courses.
- COLI curated a short list of great resources – books, articles and websites – for online pedagogy in a handy Zotero list.
- Mark Gallimore, PhD, Center for Online Learning & Innovation, is available for consultation with faculty who have specific questions or just want to discuss a possible online or hybrid course format.
COLI does much more than support online and hybrid courses! Visit for help with pedagogy and technology in face-to-face courses, and other projects involving web-based tools and resources!
Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, Center for Online Learning & Innovation