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Jaime Manrique Presents Latest Novel

Canisius College will welcome Colombian novelist, poet, essayist and translator, Jaime Manrique, to campus on Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 p.m. in Old Main 314. The event is free and open to the public.

Manrique will discuss his latest novel, entitled Like This Afternoon Forever, a parable influenced by Colombian drug cartel motives, which takes readers through their battle for control and its lasting impacts.

Manrique is the author of several novels including Our Lives are the Rivers, Cervantes Street and My Night with Federico Garcia Lorca. He has received accolades such as Colombia’s National Poetry Award, the 2007 International Latino Book Award, as well as a Guggenheim Fellowship.

For more information, contact Richard Reitsma, PhD, chair and associate professor of modern languages, at  

Click here to add this event to your calendar.

Submitted by: College Communications

Resources for Faculty: Teaching Online and Hybrid Courses

One of the jobs of the Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI) is to support faculty teaching online and hybrid courses. COLI has recently created and updated resources for faculty teaching (or considering teaching) online:

COLI does much more than support online and hybrid courses! Visit for help with pedagogy and technology in face-to-face courses, and other projects involving web-based tools and resources!

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, Center for Online Learning & Innovation

Study Participants Needed for Research on Aging and Autism

The Institute for Autism Research and Department of Psychology recently received a $379,731 federal grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Aging to examine the relationship between aging and aspects of ASD in older adults.

We are asking for your help in this new program of research. Please reach out to older friends and family members who might be willing to participate in this study. You can also participate yourself.

The focus of this grant is on individuals age 65 and older. However, participants are not required to be 65 and older and they do not need a diagnosis of ASD to participate in this study. An important component of this research project is the assessment of adults of all ages with varying degrees of ASD characteristics from none – high.

To participate, simply go

Study participants will complete approximately 30-90 minutes of internet based questionnaires and tasks. The timing will depend on your preferred pacing. Participants will be characterized on multiple domains of aging including physical health, cognitive performance, characteristics of ASD and psychological well-being.

Please be aware that you are under no obligation to participate. Your participation in this research will in no way impact your relationship with Canisius or the services you could receive in the future from the IAR or community-based ASD service programs.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Lodi-Smith, associate professor of psychology, at or (716) 888-2513.

Submitted by: Jennifer Lodi-Smith, associate professor, Psychology/IAR