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This spring, the Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI) will be running an online faculty development course to help prepare faculty to teach online and hybrid classes.

Learn how to build engaging, rigorous online and hybrid courses that are powered by your teaching skills and enthusiasm. Discover how to sensibly incorporate interactive learning, social engagement and teaching presence in your online class space. After this mini-course, you will craft effective and engaging web-based courses that incorporate your personality and talents as a professor and Canisius College’s special blend of Jesuit identity and pedagogy.

This course will run from Monday, February 4 through Saturday, March 9. The class is entirely online and simulates a real fully-online course, so you learn to teach online while getting the online student experience.

This course is available to all Canisius College faculty. Whether you plan to teach an online course in the future, aren’t yet sure you’ll teach online or would just like to know more about online courses and coursework, this is an excellent opportunity. Please enroll by contacting and see the COLI Calendar for times and locations of other faculty development events.

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, Center for Online Learning and Innovation