by browkaa | Nov 30, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
Please take a moment to review the college’s policy and procedures for delaying or closing operations due to severe weather.
There are several possible options for altering the college’s normal operations due to weather. These include:
- Cancellation of all classes (staff members expected to report)
- Closing of college (only essential operating personnel to report)
- Delaying of opening (essential operating personal to report at normal time and remaining personnel to report once college is open)
- Early closing of college
If there will be a change to normal operations, an early morning decision will be communicated by 6:00 a.m. and decisions about evening classes (classes beginning after 4:00 p.m.) will be communicated by 2:45 p.m.
These decisions will be communicated through the following channels:
- Canisius Alert System
- Canisius website
- Canisius portal
- School Closing Information Line: (716) 888-3131
- Local TV Stations: WGRZ Channel 2, WIVB Channel 4, WKBW Channel 7 and Time Warner Cable (YNN)
Please visit the Academic Affairs portal page for further details on this policy.
Submitted by: Academic Affairs
by browkaa | Nov 30, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

Embark on a pilgrimage through El Camino de Santiago, Spain, from May 24 – June 2, 2019.
El Camino de Santiago is a centuries-old, month-long Christian pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Join Alice Zicari ’13 and Matthew Cortese, SJ, in walking an average of 10-15 miles a day for three days along the pilgrimage trail from Sarria, Spain to the cathedral. This span of walking is not only a form of exercise but an opportunity to foster spiritual connection, renewal and reflection. Visits to Sarria and Santiago are allotted at the beginning and end of the pilgrimage.
Costs of travel are:
$2,800 (includes airfare from Toronto, shuttle to Sarria, room and board (double occupancy), all dinners and miscellaneous program expenses)
$1,700 (book your own flight and meet the group in Sarria, Spain. Includes room and board (double occupancy), all dinners and miscellaneous program expenses)
+$350 for single occupancy room.
Visit for more information or register before Friday, February 1 by contacting Nicolle Barsch at
Submitted by: Nicolle Barsch, Institute for Global Engagement
by browkaa | Nov 30, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

All students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend a discussion about racial justice and the Catholic Church. The group will meet on one Wednesday afternoon in late January to discuss the first two chapters and then again on a Wednesday afternoon in late February from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. to discuss the rest of the book. This casual reading group will read the book Racial Justice and the Catholic Church by Fr. Bryan Massingale and will follow with a discussion about the book.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Nancy Rourke, associate professor of religious studies and theology, at Ext. 2460 or by Friday, January 18.
Any students who want to get a copy of the book free in order to participate in these discussions should contact Dr. Rourke by the last day of classes on Thursday, December 6. Your book will be available to pick up during exam week.
This discussion is co-sponsored by the Office of Mission and Identity, President Hurley’s office, Campus Ministry, Public Safety, East Side Immersion and the Catholic Studies Program.
Submitted by: Nancy Rourke, associate professor, Religious Studies and Theology
by ryann | Nov 28, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

Submitted by: College Communications
by browkaa | Nov 28, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

Thomas J. Madejski, MD, president of the Medical Society of the State of New York, was the featured speaker for the Dr. George E. Schreiner ’43 Pre-Medical Center Distinguished Speaker Series on Monday, November 19. Dr. Madejski spoke to students, faculty, alumni and members of the Western New York medical community on the state of the medical profession in New York. A question and answer period followed the lecture.
Submitted by: College Communications