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Please join the Office of Mission and Identity for its first Buffalove Affinity Group on Friday, November 30 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in the Regis room.

How are you connected to the Buffalo community? The office of Mission and Identity would love to hear about your research, partnerships, connections, volunteer service, advocacy and neighborhood involvement. The Buffalove Affinity Group is a chance to share what you are passionate about, collaborate and connect with colleagues.

Finger foods and beverages will be provided. For more information or questions, contact Erden Ertorer, PhD, clinical instructor of physics/mathematics and statistics, at Ext. 2499 or by Email at or Sarah Signorino, director of Mission and Identity, at Ext. 2424 or by Email at

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Submitted by: Sarah Signorino, director, Mission and Identity