- Pictured (l-r): Amber Schiele ’18; Clancy Seymour, EdD, professor of kinesiology and Matt Chase MS ’18
- Pictured (far right): Joe Evans, adjunct professor of kinesiology
Students from the Physical and Health Education/Teacher Education (P/HETE) program attended the 81st annual New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD) conference from Thursday, November 15 – Saturday, November 17 in Verona, NY. Teacher candidates Amber Schiele ’18 and Matt Chase MS ’18 were honored as P/HETE Major Award Winners during the Amazing Persons Ceremony on Thursday, November 15. The award is given to one undergraduate and one graduate student for outstanding performance relevant to his or her preparation for the profession in the areas of health, physical education, recreation or dance.
The conference was highlighted by a keynote address from MaryEllen Elia, New York State Commissioner of Education and president of the University of the State of New York (SUNY). Elia’s comments regarding “quality health and physical education instruction are absolutely essential to a child’s education, growth, and development” were well-received by the audience. Following her presentation, Clancy Seymour, EdD, professor of Kinesiology, was one of ten NYS AHPERD leaders invited to meet with Elia afterwards for a brief question and answer session.
Additionally, the Western Zone Chapter of the association and the Canisius College P/HETE program hosted a joint social for zone members, current teacher candidates and former alumni of the college with over 100 members in attendance. A special thanks to Joe Evans, adjunct professor of kinesiology, for his efforts to coordinate P/HETE attendance along with Dr. Seymour and Lauren Kicak, associate director of Graduate Admissions for her co-sponsorship of the event.
Submitted by: College Communications