Canisius Proud
Submitted by: College Communications
Submitted by: College Communications
Canisius College commemorated Veterans Day Friday, November 9 with a wreath placing ceremony held in Old Main. Members of the Canisius community were in attendance and President John Hurley gave a speech in honor of all those who served.
Submitted by: College Communications
The search committees for the vice president for student affairs, the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the director of Canisius opportunity programs have been created. Please join me in thanking the following individuals for their willingness to accept this responsibility and to commit their wisdom and time to this important work.
Search Committee for the Vice President for Student Affairs
Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Search Committee for the Director of Canisius Opportunity Programs
Submitted by: Margaret C. McCarthy, PhD, vice president, Academic Affairs
An innovative comprehensive school treatment (schoolMAX), developed by researchers at the Institute for Autism Research, yielded significant improvements for elementary school children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specifically, children who received schoolMAX demonstrated greater improvements in social-cognitive skills, social-communication skills and ASD symptoms compared to children who received their typical educational programming. Read the full story here.
Click here to watch the story broadcast by WKBW-TV, Channel 7.
Submitted by: College Communications
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics hosts Meera Sitharam, PhD, computer and information science and engineering professor at the University of Florida, as this year’s Father Haus Memorial Lecture speaker. The lecture takes Wednesday, November 14 at 3:00 p.m. in Science Hall 1028. The lecture is entitled “Geometry and Emergence.”
Tightly enmeshed interplay between geometry and biophysics is commonplace in nature. Yet, when the interplay is cyclic, spanning multiple spatiotemporal scales, the underlying principles are poorly understood, and the intuitive concept of emergence is typically invoked. Emergent properties of the whole are assumed to supervene on basic interactions within the parts, while being irreducible to them, and even downwardly affecting them, yet somehow sidestepping problematic issues such as causal overdetermination. We are developing a mathematical theory of emergence within geometric constraint systems and their configuration spaces. The theory will employ dependence, closure, and recursive decomposability into inherently or contextually low-dimensional structures, impacting long open problems such as combinatorially characterizing generic 3D rigidity. The talk will detail these open problems, move on to the theory of emergence and end with biological applications.
Click here for more information.