by browkaa | Nov 9, 2018 | Faculty, Parents, Staff
The last free yoga class of the semester will take place Tuesday, November 13 in Palisano Pavilion from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. The class will be led by Madonna McKernon, student affairs administrative specialist.
If you have never attended a yoga class, this is a great opportunity to learn, as the classes will focus on practicing the fundamentals of yoga. Those with experience are more than welcome, as this provides the opportunity to deepen and refine your practice.
Mats are provided for the class but make sure to wear comfortable clothing. To ensure there are enough mats, please RSVP to Mary Braun at Ext. 2240 or hope to see you there!
Click here to add this event to your calendar.
Mary Braun, assistant, Human Resources
by ryann | Nov 9, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff

The ALANA Student Center is celebrating Native American Heritage month with a coloring contest. Coloring pages can be picked up at the ALANA Student Center (Frisch Hall 008) and all entries are due by Friday, November 30. Be creative, have fun and win prizes!
Submitted by: Madonna McKernon, student affairs administrative specialist, Public Safety
by browkaa | Nov 9, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
Public Safety is hosting its annual charity drive that will run from today, November 9 – Friday, November 30. Please join the Public Safety Department in making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Bring items to Public Safety. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted and will go towards The Ladies of Charity.
Submitted by: Madonna McKernon, student affairs administrative specialist, Public Safety
by browkaa | Nov 9, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff
If you are still receiving a paper copy of your W-2, please consider the option to receive it electronically.
To do this, login to your MyCanisius account, click on “Self Service Banner,” “Employee,” “Tax Forms,” “Electronic W2 and 1095C Consent,” check the box for “Consent to receive W-2 electronically” and “Submit.” Your consent is only needed once. Each year, you’ll be able to access your W2 as soon as it is finished processing.
You can print your W-2 about one week before the paper mailing date of Thursday, January 31. To view or print at anytime, login to “Self Service Banner,” click on “Employee,” “Tax Forms,” “W2 Year End earning statement,” select the year you want and “Display” and print. You will also have access to all prior W2s.
If you have any question, please contact Maureen Hidy at or by calling (716) 888-8531. Thank you.
Submitted by: Maureen Hidy, payroll manager, Controller’s Office