COLI Faculty Meetup
Faculty are encouraged to share their experiences on fostering academic integrity
The Center for Online Learning & Innovation (COLI) is hosting a faculty meetup focused on the pedagogy of reading, writing and academic integrity on Wednesday, September 26 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Regis Room, Student Center.
More than ever, college faculty are under pressure to cultivate critical reading and writing skills in student but courses, lessons and assignments compete with a wide variety of other priorities and media. We often struggle to persuade students that these intellectual virtues are worth their time. Our most frustrating experiences come when we discover that students committed academic dishonesty rather than make a sincere attempt to create original work.
This meetup will not be a formal presentation, rather faculty should come as colleagues to share experiences and concerns. Moreover, each participant is encouraged to share triumphs, however tentative or small. For example, when did you create or discover something that you believe fostered reading and writing skills among students? What can you share with colleagues across campus that might help them in their classrooms and disciplines?
All faculty are welcome and COLI will supply refreshments. Together, we can do so much more!
Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, Center for Online Learning & Innovation
WordPress Workshop
Build and craft your personalized website
WordPress is a powerful toolset for building websites, blogs and web-based newsletters. Canisius ITS hosts a WordPress site utilized by various faculty, offices, departments and programs. Professors and students use blogs in the classroom and outside in extra-curricular activities. Academic departments and programs can craft newsletters to keep current students, alumni and friends informed. Offices across campus also use WordPress as a web-based resource to showcase their services and provide other information.
The Center for Online Learning & Innovation offers a workshop where users will learn the basics of how to create content on a WordPress site. This is a great opportunity if you are interested in building a WordPress site but is also helpful if you need to use and maintain an existing WordPress site for your office, department or program.
The workshop takes place in on Monday, September 10 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Old Main 115.
On November 6, a follow-up workshop will focus on more advanced use of WordPress with partner tools, such as Mailchimp for newsletters and the Divi theme for site customization.
Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, Center for Online Learning & Innovation
Suicide Prevention Training
Counseling Center to offer campus-wide prevention training
The Counseling Center is offering suicide prevention training for students, faculty and staff. QPR, the “CPR for suicide prevention,” will be offered September 13 at 3:00 p.m. in Old Main 221.
QPR stands for Question the person about suicide, Persuade the person to get help and Refer the person for help. QPR is designed to increase one’s ability to recognize suicidal thoughts and behaviors and to refer the person who is at risk to a professional resource. Those who have previously participated in this workshop are encouraged to take it again to refresh their skills.
Email Jillian Kelly at or call the Counseling Center at Ext. 2620 to reserve a seat. Space is limited. To learn more about QPR, along with how to help students in distress, click here.
Submitted by: Eileen Niland, director, Counseling Center