by etuk | Aug 8, 2018 | Faculty, Staff

Frank Horowitz, geophysicist, Cornell University
On July 30, Mark Castner, director of the Braun-Ruddick Seismograph Station, hosted Frank Horowitz, a geophysicist at Cornell University, who brought his gravity meter to the Braun-Ruddick Seismograph Station for calibration. Horowitz is part of a team at Cornell studying a wide variety of geophysical characteristics in the Ithaca area to help determine the feasibility of installing a geothermal heating system for their entire campus.
As sensitive (and expensive!) as his gravity meter is, it needs to be calibrated using a known gravity site. Thus Horowitz’s visit to the college’s seismograph station. In 1993, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) used the original seismic pier in the basement of Old Main as a benchmark location for a gravity study the government agency was conducting. That benchmark is known as an absolute gravity site and can be used to calibrate gravity meters. So Horowitz took a gravity reading at his base location on the Cornell campus, drove the meter to Canisius and took an absolute reading at our benchmark, then drove the meter back to the Cornell base location for a confirmation reading. He can now tie the gravity readings from his study in Ithaca to the absolute gravity reading on file with NOAA. There are only three absolute gravity benchmarks in the Northeast US: Buffalo, Potsdam, NY, and Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Submitted by: Mark Castner, director, Braun-Ruddick Seismograph Station
by etuk | Aug 8, 2018 | Alumni, Faculty
President John J. Hurley was a guest on r-House radio show (WBEN NewsRadio 930), hosted by Peter Hunt, on Saturday, August 4.
The topics of discussion included the impact of Canisius alumni on the local economy, how Canisius develops new programs to meet the need for new jobs in the community, the shift in demographics and the current economic climate in New York State.
Listen to the interview here.
Submitted by: College Communications
by etuk | Aug 8, 2018 | Faculty, Staff

The Institutional Advancement (IA) Division settled into its new digs in the George Martin House earlier this summer.
The George Martin House, located directly behind the Wehle Technology Center, was previously used as a residence hall until fall 2016. IA was located at 22 Agassiz Circle since 2005.
The division includes Mary Ellen Bakowski, major gifts officer; Angela Butler, advancement coordinator; William Collins, vice president for institutional advancement; Ginny Dadaian, director of stewardship and events; Patrick Greenwald, director of principal gifts; Katie Huck, director of advancement services; Kate Lockhart, research and prospect management coordinator; Carol Lower, advancement services coordinator; Renee Marciniak, administrative associate, principal gifts and major gifts; Will Mason, Leadership Society gift officer/Canisius Fund; Sandy Miller, director of corporate and foundation relations; Dennis Misko, director of external projects and major gifts officer; Terry Nusstein, stewardship and corporate foundation coordinator and Kim Venti, associate vice president for institutional advancement.
Be sure to stop by and say hi!
Submitted by: College Communications
by etuk | Aug 8, 2018 | Faculty, Staff
The Canisius College Division of Institutional Advancement presented Katherine Huck, director of advancement services, with the George M. Martin Advancement Award on Thursday, August 2 during the division’s annual celebration.
Established in 1983 by the late George M. Martin, then executive vice president for administrative affairs at Canisius, the Martin Award is presented annually to a member of the college’s institutional advancement staff whose initiative, creativity and teamwork brings distinction to him/herself and the college.
Submitted by: College Communications
by etuk | Aug 8, 2018 | Faculty, Staff

The Human Resources Department is pleased to announce a college-wide Campus Beautification Project on Monday, August 20 from 3 – 4:30 p.m. The goal is to assist in beautifying the campus in preparation for the return of students for the fall semester.
Participants will be asked to weed various flower beds on campus and will have the opportunity to engage with others across campus. Gardening gloves will be provided!
See the flyer above for more information.
If you are interested, please RSVP to Mary Braun at Ext. 2240 or at
Submitted by: Mary Braun, human resources associate, Human Resources