If you haven’t already, make plans now to attend the college’s second annual Appreciation Picnic. Set for Tuesday, July 31, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. in the Economou Dining Hall, the event serves as a great opportunity to enjoy lunch with friends and colleagues from across campus. Prior to lunch, a Mass in honor of the Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola will be offered by Rev.
Fr. Lynch will offer a short mass prior to the lunch at 11:30 a.m. on July 31 in honor of St. Ignatius Loyola in Christ the King Chapel.
This year, guests will be treated to a unique menu that offers hints of Hawaiian flare and includes Huli Huli chicken, homemade pineapple coleslaw, potato salad and fresh corn-on-the-cob. For dessert? Everyone’s favorite – soft-serve ice cream!
RSVPs are kindly requested by today, Wednesday, July 25. You can do so by choosing one of the following options below or by contacting Human Resources Assistant Mary Braun at Ext. 2240 (braun5@canisius.edu).
Submitted by: Mary Braun, assistant, Human Resources