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You have the power to change the odds for families and communities!

When you give to United Way of Buffalo & Erie County, you’re helping to create a community where everyone has the opportunity to realize a quality education, financial stability and good health.

Our goal for this campaign is 100 donors. We currently have 25 donors. Help us make our campaign a great success this year by making a pledge online today here.


Make your pledge online today!

    2. Click [forgot user ID or password?]
    3. Enter work email
    4. Enter verification code
    5. Click [email my information]
    6. Check your work email inbox for an email fromĀ
    7. Click the reset password e-pledge link in the email (will expire within 24 hours)
    8. Create a new password and click [save]
  2. Click the [continue] button

Submitted by: Mary Braun, human resources assistant, Human Resources