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warfordsummerworkshopheader82All Canisius faculty and staff are invited to participate in the free 2017 Digital Humanities Summer Workshop Series, introducing digital mapping tools for research and teaching. Digital mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are powerful resources that scholars, students and professionals use in a wide variety of fields.  The series is led by Erin Warford, PhD, adjunct professor of classics, who has nine years of experience using Geographic Information Systems in academia and industry.

In these workshops attendees will learn:

  • How to build course content, assessments and student projects using StoryMaps, a web application that closely integrates geography with other forms of content (text, images and video). See examples here.
  • Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digital mapping useful across a wide variety of applications, from the simple (class assignments) to the very complex (scholarly research).
  • Basics of ARCGIS, a powerful, industry-standard Geographic Information System.

You can find more information, and register for any or all of the workshops here.

These workshops are brought to you by the Digital Humanities Working Group and the Center for Online Learning & Innovation. We’d like to thank Dr. Warford for making this special opportunity possible!

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, PhD, instructional designer, COLI