Sport Management Classes Raise Funds for P.U.N.T Foundation
On Monday, March 27, students in Sport Management and Administration presented a $2,600 check to the Brian Moorman P.U.N.T. Foundation. As part of the Micro-Tyco Challenge, students were placed into teams and given $1 of seed capital and challenged to generate as much real wealth as possible during the month of February.
Groups used a variety of ideas to raise money including raffling off front row tickets to a Buffalo Sabres game, offering a moving service for businesses, raffling off Buffalo Bills merchandise and beginning a dog-sitting service.
Gwen Mysiak and Bridgett Moffett of the P.U.N.T. Foundation were on hand to accept the check from the students. During the presentation, Carolyn Woomer, shared the inspiring story of her son, Jed, with the class and how the P.U.N.T. Foundation assisted her family during their time of need. Jed, a former captain of the Tonawanda High School swimming team, passed away of heart complications caused by chemotherapy after a surgery. The students heard first-hand the effect that their hard work would have on other local families.
Submitted by: College Communications