ArtsCanisius has a busy week ahead with three events scheduled in the Montante Cultural Center.
The Festival of Ensembles will be held on Friday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. in Montante. The event features a performance by the four Canisius College music ensembles. Tickets to the concert cost $5 with all proceeds benefitting the Concert Band, Chamber Orchestra, Chorale and Jazz Ensemble.
The Buffalo Silver Band will be visiting the Montante on Saturday, March 4 at 7:30 PM. Their program “Around the World in 80 Minutes” showcases music written by composers from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. There is now admission fee for the concert but free will offerings in support of the ensemble are being graciously accepted. The Buffalo Silver Band writes the following about its ensemble:
You might not be surprised that some of our musicians (about 25 percent) are music educators or retired music educators. The remaining 75 percent are a broad cross-section of non-music professions, some retired: university faculty, university administrators, high school faculty, information technologists, artists, engineers, scientists, psychologists and entrepreneurs. They have in common a love of music- enough love to keep them in musical shape by their practice regimen.
The final concert on Monday, March 6 is a Meet-the-Faculty recital at noon, which will be held in the newly dedicated Andy Anselmo Gallery on the second floor of the Montante Cultural Center. This performance features faculty members Ellen Barnum, bassoon, and Bryan Eckenrode, cello in a 50-minute program highlighting music from the Baroque to the Modern eras written for bassoon solo or two bass instruments. This event is free of charge.
We hope you can join us for one or more of these events. If you have any questions, contact the fine arts or music office at Ext. 2536.
Submitted by: Ellen Barnum, director, ArtsCanisius