RAISE Benefit is March 10
Campus Ministry will host its annual RAISE Benefit event in early March. More than 50 Canisius students will take part in one of the college’s 2017 Campus Ministry international trips this summer, journeying to locations around the globe to live out the Jesuit ideals of men and women for and with others. This year’s international service-immersion trips include experiences in Jamaica, Guatemala, Poland and the Mexican – U.S. border. Canisius students will work with people who have suffered from war, hunger, neglect, discrimination and poverty.
New this year is a spiritual-immersion trip in partnership with the Institute for the Global Study of Religion (IGSOR) to Argentina. During their stay, students will explore their spirituality, and learn about the history of the Jesuits and their impact in Latin America.
Students are excited to embark on these transformative experiences but they need your help! Student participants are expected to raise funds to cover the cost of their experiences. Here’s how you can help them meet their goals:
- Submit a basket or raffle item for our RAISE Benefit by Monday, February 27
- Purchase a ticket for our RAISE Benefit dinner scheduled for Friday, March 10 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center. The night will be complete with food tastings from around the world, live music and a cash bar. Basket and raffle winners will be chosen! A single ticket to the event is $25 and a group discount of four tickets is available for $75. All tickets include a sheet of raffle tickets valued at $10!
Buy your tickets here: www.canisius.edu/RAISE
- Donate to a student. You can make a donation directly to a student here: https://app1.canisius.edu/campminevents/donor
We truly appreciate the support of our Canisius family!
If you have any questions, contact Alice Zicari, associate campus minister at Ext. 2488 or by email at zicaria@canisus.edu.
Submitted by: Alice Zicari, associate campus minister, Campus Ministry