On Tuesday, December 6 at 10:00 a.m., the Center for Online Learning and Innovation (COLI) is conducting a Confluence Kickstarter workshop, introducing the Canisius College Wiki.
A wiki is a web space or set of pages that allows many participants to collaboratively create, edit and display a variety of information, images, video and links. Many Canisius wiki spaces and pages may be available on the web to the entire world but other spaces and pages may be viewable only by certain individuals, such as members of project teams, committees, departments or offices. Create your own wiki space to organize and present your office or department’s content to the campus community. Or, use a wiki space to house information useful and exclusively available to members of your committee.
Sign up for this and other COLI workshops today!
Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, PhD, instructional designer, COLI