Physics Department Seminar: Engineering at St. Anselm’s Abbey High School
The Physics Department presents a seminar on “Engineering at St. Anselm’s Abbey High School” by Herbert Wood, PhD, adjunct professor of physics, on Friday, November 18 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Science Hall Room 1013A.
The promotion of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has led to more high schools offering courses in these subjects. St. Anselm’s Abbey High School, a private, Benedictine high school in northeast Washington, D.C., offers a project-based engineering course. Each semester is dedicated to a particular field, such as mechanical civil, electrical or chemical engineering. This talk will describe past student projects like a Roman catapult, Thompson ring-flinger, CO2 scrubber and extracting oil from an old tire. The entire campus community is invited to attend.
Submitted by: Michael Wood, PhD, chair, physics