For those unable to attend the Canisius College Video Institute’s red carpet event and screening of Dream, Girl earlier this semester, now is your chance to view the film. Erin Bagwell ’09 and her team are making their inspirational documentary about women entrepreneurs available here until Monday, November 14.
Erin sends along this message: “Carve out 62 minutes of your day, snuggle in and let these stories of Clara, Annie, Mariama, Joanne, Komal, Suzanne, Marie, Amanda, Alicia, Linda, Crista and Jess fill you like they fill me every day to keep fighting for women’s equality, globally. What we ask of you in return is that you continue to fight for people who’ve been silenced, to seek out untold stories, and to commit to uplifting other women along the way.”
Submitted by: Barb Irwin, PhD, professor, communication studies