All College Colloquia Presentation and Reception
Please gather with the College of Arts and Sciences to communally celebrate the work of one of our faculty members, Jennifer Lodi-Smith, PhD, at our next Colloquia presentation and wine and cheese reception. Lodi-Smith, assistant professor of psychology, will present her research on “The Development of Identity Content and Clarity in Adulthood,” on Tuesday, November 8 at 3:30 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Lounge located on the second floor of the student center.
Lodi-Smith uses a mixed methods framework to study the development of identity content and clarity in adulthood integrating both longitudinal and intervention research designs. Her work spans the adult lifespan from college students to older adults, including populations of typically-developing individuals and individuals with autism spectrum disorder traits. Within these contexts she studies (1) how personality traits, narrative identity and self-concept clarity develop over time, (2) how individual differences in the development of these constructs relate to optimal aging in the form of physical, cognitive and psychological health throughout the lifespan and (3) whether targeted interventions can promote maturation in identity content and clarity.
All faculty and staff are welcome! Please join us for this event!
Submitted by: Veronica Serwacki, executive associate to the dean, College of Arts and Sciences