United Way Kick-Off Event
Please join us for the United Way kick-off event on Monday, September 19 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Lounge!
President Hurley and the United Way Committee will be in attendance.
The United Way of Buffalo and Erie County is a world-class organization that transforms the quality of life in our community. Karen Christie will discuss how the United Way brings people, organizations and resources together to improve community well-being.
Compeer, a non-profit organization that trains volunteers to develop relationships with children, adults, military veterans and seniors to promote good mental health, will also be participating. Presentations by employee Karen Bartowiak and past client CeCe Martin, who has benefitted from Compeer’s services, will discuss the resources that are provided to clients, how to promote positive mental health and how the United Way impacts their lives.
A schedule of events will be distributed and cookies will be served!
Submitted by: The United Way Planning Committee, Canisius College