Watch the September Episode of “Kaleidoscope”
The Canisius College Video Institute production of the September episode of “Kaleidoscope” premieres on Saturday, September 3 at 5:30 a.m. on WGRZ-TV 2. This 30-minute television program celebrates the religious diversity of our region and is produced in conjunction with the Network of Religious Communities (NRC). “Kaleidoscope” is rebroadcast each Friday at 6:35 p.m. on Time Warner Cable 20 and each Sunday at 8:00 p.m. on Time Warner 6 in Olean.
In the first segment, Stan Bratton, PhD, executive director of the NRC, discusses how certain communities view electoral politics and the significance of the upcoming election with Rev. George Nicholas, Pastor, Lincoln Memorial United Methodist Church and Faizan Haq, founder of WNY Muslims.
In the second segment, students from the Canisius College Video Institute share a short video about the teachings of various religious traditions on health care healing and the end of life. for the UB Medical School. The video was presented at a recent NRC meeting.
Students in the Canisius College Video Institute produce “Kaleidoscope” under the guidance of Barbara Irwin, PhD, professor of communication studies and co-director of the Video Institute, and Paula DeAngelis-Stein ’86, MS ’02, a producer with Daybreak Productions, the broadcast arm of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo.
Submitted by: Barb Irwin, PhD, professor, communication studies