With study abroad programs offered in 13 countries and 20 cites, Canisius has all the resources necessary to fully immerse its students in international courses and cultures. Andrew Case MBA ’16 participated in one of these programs through MBA 686: Doing Business in the European Union (EU) course, offered by Coral Snodgrass PhD, professor in the Management Department.
The first half of the class was spent learning and researching the current situations in the EU through weekly discussions, followed by nine days of field experience in London, Belgium and Paris. These discussions prepared students for the multiple businesses they visited abroad varying from New Era in London, to Sanofi, one the largest pharmaceutical producers, in Paris, and Vanparys, a chocolate producer in Belgium.
One of Andrew’s favorite aspects of the course was a simulation the class conducted with fellow French MBA students. The students divided into teams of American and French employees, each determining the course of action to take for several hypothetical situations. As separate countries, they then compared decisions they made and had to debate and compromise to reach a solution as a cohesive unit. This exercise showed students the many obstacles an international manager faces but more importantly created connections that would last far beyond the classroom.
Andrew is still in touch with several of the students with whom he collaborated. These international opportunities provide students with the transformative experiences that are the ideal in Jesuit education.
Submitted by: Sara Morris, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs