Kudos to Canisius College alumni, who ranked first (1st), overall, in New York State during the 2015 CPA exam cycle, with a 75 percent pass rate, among medium programs (institutions with between 21 – 60 candidates). The 2015 exam is the most recent to be published by the National Association of the State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). The results are for graduates of bachelor and graduate programs who are first time candidates sitting for the CPA exam within one year of graduation.
On the individual sections of the 2015 CPA exam, Canisius participants ranked first (1st) in New York State on the auditing portion, among medium programs; first (1st) on the business environment and concepts portion, among small programs (institutions with between 10 – 20 candidates); and first (1st) on the regulation portion, among other programs (institutions with less than 10 candidates).
Click here to read more about the 2015 rankings.
Submitted by: Public Relations