UNITY and the Kinesiology Society are co-sponsoring a guest lecture by Kristen Worley entitled “Gender in Sport: What Happens When Nature Clashes with the Social Structure of Olympic Sport.” The lecture will be Thursday, April 14, at 6:00 p.m. in Palisano Pavilion. A question and answer session will follow. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Worley is a transitioned, high performance cyclist and will speak about her own experiences with gender verification at the international level, as well as her current and ongoing human rights case against the International Olympic Committee and several other cycling organizations. Her case is profiled in several media outlets, including this article in Newsweek. Worley will also speak about her advocacy work with women whose gender is being questioned, scrutinized and even forcibly tested by various agencies in international sports, as well as the impact of these stories in the media.
Submitted by: Joshua Russell, assistant professor, ABEC