Printing Update
As we hit the mid-way point of the spring semester, I hope that everyone is settling in with the new printing system on campus. Many changes are now in place and things are definitely looking better. I just wanted to take a few minutes and share those changes, any current issues and where we go from here.
Staff and faculty offices can now directly release print jobs without swiping their ID cards on their departmental Xerox devices. There are still some issues with these devices going offline on Windows PCs that we are still investigating. If this occurs, please use the MyColor and MyGrayscale print queues and release on device until you can reboot your PC. This problem does not seem to be affecting the MyColor and MyGrayscale print queues.
CopyCards are now being used for all student workers that need to copy and print. If you didn’t get yours or have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk.
Instructions are available here.
The “Adjustments in Progress” and other printer errors that would occur and require a lengthy reboot of the Xerox device have been fixed. The copiers now go thru a nightly over-write that occurs between 2:00 – 4:00 a.m. Please be sure to leave the units on. Do not turn them off. If you see a message that the printer is performing this task during the work day, please notify the ITS Help Desk.
Log out times on the copiers has been extended. This should alleviate the concerns of being logged out while copying and scanning. If you are printing long jobs, the printer will complete its current task even if you are logged out. You do not need to stay watch over it.
Scanning to USB and printing from USB are now available. Instructions are available here.
Problems with printing to special media, not specifying the proper tray, etc. are now alleviated. The ability to change trays and force a job with a media error to print from alternative paper sources is now enabled. The printer usually indicates a message stating that resources are needed. If you press the Job Status button on the printer, you will see the errors and can click thru printing them to alternative paper sources. Contact the ITS Help Desk if you need assistance with this.
ComDoc is available for training anytime. Email to arrange for a ComDoc trainer to visit your department and help out. The Help Desk is always available if you have questions or problems. If you observe something that isn’t working properly or missing features please call Ext. 8340, email or stop by Horan O’Donnell 016.
We are constantly evaluating the printer fleet and its usage. Please let us know if you feel like there are features you would like added, features such as color printing that you no longer want, training needs that are not being met, or other concerns.
If you have further comments or concerns about the changes made on campus to printing or the measures discussed above please feel free to contact Scott Clark, Larry Deni or Marco Bennedetti. We are all open to constructive discussions to make the services on campus better.
Submitted by: Scott Clark, director of user services, information technology services